
the transformative power of live theater


Recommended Read: Steppenwolf’s Tina Landau On Casting ‘The Tempest’

Every ensemble has their own way of doing things, yet we all share a dedication to nurturing and caring for our members. Thus, it’s always fascinating to get a glimpse into another company’s process.

Over on the Steppenwolf Theatre Company’s blog, director Tina Landau has chimed into a conversation currently taking place  about her multi-racial casting of The Tempest. The post is rich and detailed, covering everything from color “aware” casting to specific choices made onstage based on textual interpretation to how Landau made casting choices from amongst the talented ensemble.

To read:
Is Colorblindness Possible – the post that initiated the discussion, plus responses
Casting the Tempest, by Tina Landau – the director’s response

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