
the transformative power of live theater


Drywall & Pipe Grids & Tile, Oh My!

As summer comes to an end, construction continues on our new home in downtown Glendale. We’ve moved our offices to a temporary space around the corner from our new home so we’ve been enjoying seeing the daily progress. Over the past few months, our contractor and his team have been busy framing out walls, tiling restrooms, welding pipe grids in our two theaters, and installing the first layer of the sprung floor in the black box. Here are a few pictures of the progress on the space so you can see the exciting transformation too:

Photo 1 by Paul Lazarus

In the next few weeks, the drywall will be going up and then all the things that will make our new space become our home will start going in. It’s an exciting time at Antaeus and as always, we want to thank you for being part of this incredible journey!

Play On!
Ana Rose O’Halloran
Executive Director

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